Sold! Darryl Cuttell Purchases The IHRA From Larry Jeffers

The IHRA was once left for dead, but the reports of its demise seem to be greatly exaggerated. At the PRI show, it was announced that the IHRA was bringing back its Nitro Jam series with Top Fuel, Funny Car, Mountain Motor Pro Stock, and Pro Mod acting as the headlining classes. Now, it has been announced that businessman Darryl Cuttell has purchased the IHRA from chassis builder Larry Jeffers.

Cuttell got involved with the IHRA when his company, Darana Hybrid, was announced as the series’ new title sponsor. This lucrative sponsorship is what allowed the Nitro Jam series to return, but also provided a purse bump for sportsman racers at IHRA’s IHRA Team Finals and IHRA World Finals events. Cuttell is a racer himself, wheeling a 1970 Pro Mod Camaro, so he’s familiar with the sport of drag racing.

“The IHRA isn’t just some hobby. It’s a business that I’m passionate about,” Cuttell said. “This is a needed move for the drag racing community. We’re going to start by building on the foundation of Sportsman racing and returning the IHRA to its former glory.”

All of this happened very quickly after IHRA President Kenny Knowling gave Cuttell a presentation during the PRI show to gain his support. That presentation is what led to Cuttell signing on the dotted line and kicked off the events that have changed the trajectory of the IHRA.

“This is a dream come true. The entire IHRA team is going to work around the clock to return the IHRA to its former glory,” Nowling said. “This is such incredible news for our IHRA track partners, racers, marketing partners, and fans.”

The IHRA has a press conference planned for January 2, 2025, where it will make additional announcements about the series.

About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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