SEMA 2016: Performance Distributors Now Supports Vintage Engine

Performance Distributors, home of the Davis Unified Ignition (DUI), an HEI distributor with the monster coil that has been available for Chevy, Ford, AMC, Chrysler/Dodge, Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Buick, Cadillac, and Toyota Landcruisers for many years, has targeted a couple of new applications.

The Davis Unified Ignition system is Performance Distributors’ home grown line of high performance HEI ignition systems.

According to Scott Sowards, the two new applications are for vintage cars that don’t get a lot of love normally. The 354 Hemi and Buick Nailhead engines now have DUI ignitions available. “They are just drop-in and go,” said Sowards. “We’ve set the ignition curve on them, and they have a lot hotter spark with the 50,000 volt coil.”

The good time doesn’t end there either. “We also have a dyno mod in there that increases the dwell time, which is really nice for these older cars that people are trying to fix up,” added Sowards.

We’ve often wondered how many of these vintage vehicles are still out there and how many are being restored. “More than you think,” said Sowards. “We’ve already had a lot of interest in these new distributors.”

Creating the spark energy at the right time and getting it routed to the right place is critical for a good ignition system. Performance Distributors takes it a step further by making their own performance spark plug wires to help deliver all that energy to the spark plug.

Performance Distributors line of ignition parts includes distributors, Live Wire spark plug wires, coils, wire separators, and other ignition products.

“Our Live Wires are eight millimeter spiral wound, 300 ohms per foot, with a nice silicone jacket on each end,” he explained. “Those jackets are good up to 1,400 degrees. If you have too much resistance in the wires, you are just losing spark. Without good spark, you are losing gas milage and performance.”

Keeping with the same theme of “if you have a good ignition system, you need a good quality plug wire to carry the spark to the plugs,” Performance Distributors also offers the SOS spark plug coils for LS engines. “These provide 28,000 volts under load, which is 7,000 more than your stock coils,” Sowards said. These are available for LS engines, modern Hemis, and Fords too.

For more information on Performance Distributors’ products, visit them online at

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About the author

Bobby Kimbrough

Bobby grew up in the heart of Illinois, becoming an avid dirt track race fan which has developed into a life long passion. Taking a break from the Midwest dirt tracks to fight evil doers in the world, he completed a full 21 year career in the Marine Corps.
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