Project BlownZ28
Dragzine Projects

1969 CHEVROLET CAMARO Z28: Project BlownZ28

Set to debut at the end of the 2020 race season, Project BlownZ28 is a 1969 Camaro with a steel roof and quarter panels and carbon fiber nearly everywhere else. Skinny Kid Race Cars has been commissioned to build a state-of-the-art competitor for Limited Drag Radial.

Project Build summary Build thread

Project Specs

Vehicle: 1969 Chevy Camaro Z/28

Engine: Pro Line/Dart Big-Block Chevy 572ci

Power Adder: ProCharger F3-136

Transmission: ATI Turbo 400

Front Suspension: Skinny Kid Race Cars

Rear Suspension: Skinny Kid Race Cars

Electronics: FuelTech FT600

Wheels: RC Components

Tires: Mickey Thompson 275 Radial

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