WCHRA’s TCI Engineering Outlaw 8.5 Class Recap From Bakersfield


When you think of small tire racing the first thing that usually comes to mind is some form of a radial class, not Outlaw 8.5, but it should be. Outlaw 8.5 rules have varied from coast to coast but the main factor remains the same: competitors need to get it done on a 26 x 8.5-inch, non-W slick, tire. In some cases, as the WCHRA rules permit, there is the option of running a 235 Drag Radial, but nonetheless, we’re talking one small tire.

Putting into perspective just how small these tires are for you, many enthusiasts have larger tires on their street cars. Being able to make one of these 900+ horsepower cars grip the track is truly a feat in itself. If the limiting factors of weight and tire haven’t gotten your attention yet, maybe the insane times these race cars run will.

981242_455583524523484_259697902_oThe July 15th WCHRA event at the Auto Club Famoso Raceway in Bakersfield saw times as low as 4.85-seconds in the eighth mile, which was the record-setting pass that won the event for Ryan “Toaster” Jones in his small block powered 1965 Chevy Nova in the TCI Engineering -sponsored category. Most cars were in the mid to low five second range — elapsed times you’d generally think to see in a big tire class.  

Round one saw five parings between a classic mix of Chevy’s and Ford’s. Paul Frates, Ben Davidow and Dan Hale all had troubles which allowed their ladder mates to advance to round two. Dj Reid, who should have advanced to round three based on the numbers, fell victim to a “fast tree” situation which seems to be creating confusion and controversy even now. In the finals, Jones out powered Matt Sendejas for the win.

Class sponsor Total Cost Engineering Inc. is no stranger to building precision suspension systems, which is a major factor in the overall tuning involved in having a successful Outlaw 8.5 car. They have been engineering suspensions since 1974, building one of the first Model A reproduction frames. TCI Engineering offers a wide variety of products serving Street Rods, Hot Rods, Muscle Cars and race applications.

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