Green And Mean: Glenn Hamilton’s Turbocharged 1969 Barracuda

Glenn Hamilton loves his Mopars, so it’s only natural he’d build one as a project car. However, Glenn took things to a whole different level when he built his 1969 Barracuda. This fish swims in the competitive Ultra Street class, and is powered by a Dodge NASCAR engine, oh yeah, Glenn also drives his Barracuda on the streets.

Glenn actually got his start racing on the import side of things, but constant parts failures got old, so he returned to his Mopar roots. After selling his import, Glenn went on an exhaustive search for an early body-style Barracuda, and found this one just 30 minutes from his house. It was an original Formula S 340 car with AC.

The car came with every part to put it back together just as it rolled off the assembly line, but Glenn wasn’t interested in that.

“I sold all of the parts to put into the budget to build the car how I wanted it. You’ll see some purists cringe when they find out what I did, but this is my car and I built it how I wanted. The final product is pretty close to what I had in my mind,” Glenn says.

There are plenty of Mopar mills that Glenn could have stuffed under the hood of his Barracuda, but he decided to go with an R5P7 engine. The R5P7 is a nasty little small block that’s used in NASCAR racing, so it can take some abuse. Behind the engine, Glenn had David Gates build a powerglide to harness the power that works with a ProTorque torque converter. This combination has laid down an impressive 4.56 elapsed time at 156 mph in Ultra Street trim.

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The Barracuda isn’t a pseudo-street car. Glenn will jump in the car with his daughters and go get ice cream during the summer at the drop of a hat. On other weekends, Glenn and his dad will take the car to a car show as well. The Barracuda has even made trips to the Outer Banks where Glenn will put 500-600 miles on it at a time.

“My favorite part of this build is all my family that was involved with it. My brother did a lot of fab work on the car and it turned out great. I equate racing to family, you know, you have your blood family, and then you have your racing family. When you can combine that all together, it’s truly awesome,” Glenn explains.

You’ll want to check out our full video feature on Glenn’s Barracuda where he goes into even more detail about this rad ride.

About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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