PRI 2014: Racepak’s New Stick-On Temp Sensor, GPS Module and More

, known for their extensive lineup of professional motorsports data acquisition systems was on site at PRI 2014 with a host of new products. To get the scoop on their newest releases, we caught up with Tim Anderson to see what’s in store for the coming year.

First up was a new GPS module for track racers that is fully compatible with their V-Net series of sensors. Anderson explained, “We have a new V-Net GPS module so you can add it onto any V-Net data recorder to track your speed. Some transmissions don’t come with electronic speed sensors and this is an easy way to fix that problem. In addition, you have the ability to use it with your Racepak dash as well.”

MG4_0268Another new sensor for the show is their wastegate spring position sensor. This allows turbo racers to accurately log the opening of their wastegates to make sure boost controllers are doing their job and regulating boost properly.

Next up is our new stick on temperature sensor that is good for up to 500-degrees and you can stick it on anything you want to measure the temperature of without added modifications.

Finally, as an added feature to their already popular V500SD data recorder, Anderson explained, “Our V500SD data recorder now has Bluetooth capability. It is equipped with a Bluetooth board and external antenna so you can do all the programming over Bluetooth with no wires attached.” 

For more exciting products from Racepak, check them out online at the information below!

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