PRI 2016: New, Ultra-Performance Big-Block Chevy Cylinder Head

DSC_1713As performance junkies, we’re always looking for the latest product to improve our car’s performance. It’s a never-ending quest to make our cars faster, quicker, and handle better than they ever did from the factory. So, when we saw Frankenstein Engineering Dynamics‘ new big-block Chevy head at the show, we had to learn more.

They have unleashed their latest 23-degree big-block Chevy head on the market, and we spoke to Chris Frank, and paid close attention as he told us, “Edelbrock has been working with us on this head for a couple of years. Our design improvements include a better deck structure, revised valve locations, raised exhaust ports, and it uses a Big Chief valve cover, which allows the use of a longer pivot-length on the rocker arms. Using a longer rocker arm allows for a more stable valvetrain, allowing the engine to achieve higher RPM.”


The head is available with chambers ranging from 108 cc to 130 cc, and the intake and exhaust valves were 1.850-inch exhaust and 2.420-inch intake.

But, does this reconfigured head require the use of a special intake? According to Chris, no it does not. He clarified by saying, “The intake ports come in several variations, so you can run an intake with a traditional port like an older style Dart or Brodix that are .300-inch off the deck, or a custom piece, with a port up to .700-inch off the deck.” He continued, “We’ve also revised the pushrod locations so we can run more cross-sectional area though the entire port”

The head they had at the show, has a 400 cc, intake port, and flows 526 cfm through the intake. The exhaust port is 370 cfm.

This head might not be designed for the average street guy, but those looking for the ultimate in big-block Chevy performance might have just found the perfect cylinder head. To find out more, contact Frankenstein Engineering Dynamics.

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About the author

Randy Bolig

Randy Bolig has been working on cars and has been involved in the hobby ever since he bought his first car when he was only 14 years old. His passion for performance got him noticed by many locals, and he began helping them modify their vehicles.
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