PRI 2016: Pro Shocks’ Engineer Tells Us About New Shocks For 2017


Suspension takes up a huge portion of the aftermarket tuning industry– but for good reasons, as it really is an important modification to your vehicle. With so much competition, companies are constantly looking to have their products stand out from the crowd. For 2017, Pro Shocks is releasing two new products for street cars and, of course, improving on some old ones. Josh Wright, Pro Shocks’ Engineer, gave us some details on these changes.

They are coming out with a brand new two-way adjustable shock and four-way adjustable shock. The two-way adjustable shock allows rebound adjustability. Josh explained, “The only thing we had prior to [these] was the single adjustable and now we can actually take, on the rebound side, control of high and low-speed shock ranges.”


With the four-way adjustable shock, consumers can adjust high and low speed on the rebound side and high and low speed on the compression side. The canister design allows for the canister to be moved around a full 360 degrees for perfect fitment if that happens to be an issue. “This product is extremely versatile and, so far, we have had tremendous success out of this,” said Josh. In addition to street car applications, this product has gone through drag racing and circle track testing as well, and has seen astonishing results.

Pro Shocks is still doing minimal testing and fine tuning on these two products, but expect them to be in full production and available to the public within the next 1-3 months.

Their G-Series Shock, which came out last year, is built for sprint cars and has been extremely successful thus far. In addition to their brand new products, Pro Shocks improved this already great shock by increasing the volume of the gas chamber by 1/2″ to help with heat issues, and Josh says it really is a “night and day difference.”

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About the author

Jenna Schiebe

Jenna’s addiction to all things automotive began soon after she was introduced to the car scene at age 16. She has a special interest in imports but, at the end of the day, is a enthusiast that loves anything that goes fast.
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