Procar prides themselves on the comfort, quality, and style of their seats. After meeting up with them at this year’s PRI show, we can now confidently assure you they really do have something for everyone.
From Left to Right: The Drifter Series, The Terrain Series, and The Spider Series
“The beauty of our line is we have everything from the traditional to the more modern contemporary seats– we’ve got the fixed backs, we’ve got the recliners,” explained Craig Schenasi from Procar. “The idea is to find a seat that really is comfortable for you, that fits your needs.”
Every single seat from Procar comes with a set of sliders. The brackets are sold separately and are available for almost any vehicle out there today and there are thousands and thousands of applications, but if it just so happens that they don’t have any for your vehicle– don’t fret, they also have universal brackets.
From Left to Right: The Rally DLX, The Pro Sport Series, and The Elite Series
To install them, all you need is a wrench and a couple of basic tools and they bolt right in! Sounds simple enough to us! Most of them have stock capabilities and can recline forward and backward with adjustable headrests. Some of the more modern sport seats even have more play in “suspension” for off-roading and tight cornering.
Procar recently added a new, more retro stitching pattern to their “Elite Lumbar” seat and added XL levels to many different products, which are 2 inches wider than the usual.