PRI 2016: VFN Fiberglass’ Wide Range Of Lightweight Race Car Parts


For more than four decades, VFN Fiberglass has been a staple in drag racing with their vast catalog of composite race car bodies, doors, hoods, and other panels, with a continually-developing line of products to suit the demands of racers with vehicles new and old.

The new 1963-67 Corvette dash that the company has brought out to PRI this year is but one small example of the array of fiberglass components the company produces in their facility just outside Chicago. VFN’s Armando Kent shares that this dash (and most of their fiberglass dashes) only weight 3-5 pounds, and while they retain as much of the original appearance as possible, the gauge cluster areas are typically designed to be flat so that Racepak dashes, gauges, and similar products can be easily mounted in front of the driver.

“With our dashes, not only are you losing weight, but we try to make them look like the factory pieces. We’ve had customers put the radio and the factory gauges and all back in there and you can’t even tell that they’re our fiberglass aftermarket dash,” Kent says.

VFN is perhaps best known, however, for its lightweight lift-off front ends, hoods, doors, and deck lids, which have been used by countless racers over the years to lighten up their race cars. In all, VFN produces around 5,000 different SKU’s of products, which includes all of the usual suspects — the Camaro, the Mustang, Nova’s, and the like — along with the more hard-to-find models like the ’64 Barracuda or Valiant, or a ’63 Tempest.

VFN outfitted some of the body parts on the brand new Murder Nova of Street Outlaws star Shawn Ellington, and has also produced a couple of nostalgia Funny Car bodies, as well.

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About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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