PRI 2024: Quarter-Max’s Simplified Parachute Handle Kit

Proper parachute deployment systems are an important safety factor in race cars, and Quarter-Max has simplified the installation of such systems with its new Parachute Handle Kit. The kit is a bracket designed to make the installation process easier and ensure correct geometry for reliable operation.

Parachute Handle Kit by Quarter-max

As Rickie Jones of Quarter-Max explains, “You know, in some of the pro mods out there, you gotta have the…air cylinder for the safety shutoff to throw out the parachute in case something happens with the driver in an accident.”

Traditional parachute handle, cable, and air cylinder installations can be a headache sometimes. Mechanics often have problems achieving the exact alignment and geometry to ensure smooth and reliable deployment.

Parachute Handle Kit by Quarter-max

Jones noted this challenge, stating that it can be “confusing to figure out where to mount and get all the geometry just right for your cables, your air cylinder, and your parachute hand handle, all the pivot points need the proper geometry.”

The kit simplifies the mounting procedure, requiring only basic tools and hardware. Installers just weld in a tube, put some tabs on, and bolt in the bracket. This simple approach cuts down installation time dramatically from hours to minutes.

Parachute Handle Kit by Quarter-max

Jones emphasized this time, “Yeah, essentially it takes installing your parachute handle, cables, and air cylinder from like a half-a-day job into just a tube you can bolt in place in around 15 minutes with some tabs that are welded in.”

The bracket’s design also offers versatility beyond simply deploying parachutes and has been engineered for use as a fuel shutoff handle in blower cars. By integrating with the air cylinder, the bracket can activate fuel shutoff safety systems.

Parachute Handle Kit by Quarter-max

Jones explained this additional use, “On the blower cars you could use this as a fuel shutoff handle. Because, the same thing with the safety systems there, it’ll actually incorporate the air cylinder into shutting off the fuel.”

This dual functionality adds value and convenience for racers who require both parachute deployment and fuel shutoff capabilities. The bracket’s adaptability makes it a valuable addition to various race car configurations.

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