SEMA 2024: Jared Ring Talks About Going Fast With Diesel Power

Jared Ring has been a part of the diesel revolution in small tire racing. When Ring decided it was time to step into the world of class racing, he used Larry Larson’s 2016 Cadillac ATS-V as his canvas of choice. Ring has been slowly making refinements to the ATS-V, and is on the cusp of being a player in the Pro 275 class.

Diesel-powered vehicles are capable of making astronomical amounts of horsepower and torque just like their gas-powered cousins. There are plenty of differences in how a high-horsepower diesel vehicle behaves at the drag strip, and when you put them on small tires, that just adds another layer of complexity.

Diesel racers who’ve opted to run on radials, like Ring, have needed to learn how to deal with different weight distribution packages. This weight difference is due to the massive hunk of billet engine that’s hanging on the front of the vehicle. Another big factor that Ring and his diesel racing comrades have needed to address is the way the engine package applies power to the track. These diesel-powered monsters act more like a nitrous-fed race car, rather than a turbocharged machine.

We caught up with Ring at SEMA 2024 at the Hot Shot’s Secret booth to get the inside scoop on how things have been progressing with his small tire program. What we learned is the transition to the ATS-V has been an interesting one, but the team continues to work hard at making the car a contender.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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