SEMA 2024: Vibrant Introduces Its Pre-Assembled Oil Cooler

a close up image of Vibrant's new pre-assembled oil coolers

Edward Furlani, the Lead Outside Sales Representative at Vibrant Performance, thrilled SEMA attendees by introducing a new product: pre-assembled oil cooler kits. Vibrant is well known for its universal products that are built with premium quality. The company has upped its game with an oil-cooling assembly that is designed for enthusiasts seeking reliable performance.

Traditionally, purchasing oil cooler cores required customers to shoulder the burden of fabricating parts and finding other components to fill in their build. Vibrant found this was a great barrier for many, and set out to change it. Now it’s all easy, thanks to their pre-assembled oil coolers. Whether you’re a hardcore mechanic or just a weekend hobbyist in the garage, you can snag a full system that bolts directly into your car and gets the job done without drama.

a close up image of Vibrant's oil cooler

The new oil coolers come in popular 10- by 6-inch and 12- by 12-inch sizes to fit various applications and are available in both single- and dual-pass designs. Available in a black powder coat with a brushed Vibrant logo, the coolers not only help maintain your oil temperature to optimal levels (which is critical for engine performance and longevity), but they look good doing it too.

As Edward noted, all oil cooler assemblies are factory pressure-tested up to 100 PSI, ensuring reliability right out of the box. For custom applications, additional supporting components, such as shrouds for ducting or mounts for fans, can be utilized to create a tailored setup. The Vibrant thermostatic oil cooler adapter is a standout companion, offering several key benefits. It helps regulate oil flow to maintain optimal temperatures when heat builds up, ensuring your engine remains protected at all times. One more example of how Vibrant thinks through every detail.

At Vibrant we want every single piece of the puzzle for our customers to be ready. –  Edward Furlani, Vibrant Performance

And the best part? There’s no running about in search of the appropriate components. A handful of clicks on Vibrant’s website will yield your oil cooler for whatever car you drive. The team at Vibrant Performance will package everything up and ship the whole deal right to your front door. No shopping around, no guesswork—just a reliable oil cooler that works.

Edward said it best, “At Vibrant we want every single piece of the puzzle for our customers to be ready.” And it is this dedication that makes Vibrant a top choice among so many enthusiasts. Vibrant clearly knows what their customers want with these plug-and-play, pre-assembled oil coolers — a solution that means less time building and more time behind the wheel.

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