A New Drag Strip Set To Open This Fall In Florida

You can never have enough horsepower under the hood or drag strips in the world. Thankfully, Achilles Thomas and his team are building a new eighth mile drag strip in Brooksville, Florida. The Lead Foot City facility is more than a drag strip, it’s going to be an automotive theme park with plenty of cool events that any gearhead will enjoy.

The Lead Foot City drag strip will have a 660’ concrete surface with a 1,200’ asphalt shutdown area. Thomas, also known as “the Mayor” of Lead Foot City is building a family-friendly place where enthusiasts can bring their cars out and go fast in a safe environment.

When Lead Foot City opens, it will be geared towards street cars. The plan will be to dial up the track prep more as the team at Lead Foot City gets more experience running the facility. If demand grows, there will be bracket racing at the track to complement the heads-up grudge racing, test-n-tune events, and other activities that are planned.

Thomas has stated that Lead Foot City will be more than just a drag strip. There will be a massive paved area where autocross and drifting events will be held. A burnout pit is also part of the plan for those who love to kill tires and make giant clouds of smoke. Guests will be able to enjoy live music and other entertainment at the facility’s amphitheater. If that wasn’t enough, there will be great food served at the Gear Head Grille & Bar.

Right now, the goal is for Lead Foot City to open in the fall of 2024. You can see how things are progressing right here on the Lead Foot City Facebook page and YouTube channel.

About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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