A Walk In The Pits With “Boss X” Stephanie Long

There are plenty of different paths you can take to join the drag racing family. The majority of people just get to enjoy their time at the track as an anonymous fan or racer, but then some people jump on the accelerated path. Stephanie Long didn’t grow up around drag racing, but she has become a fixture in the sport and she loves her crazy racing family.

Stephanie knows a thing or two about competition. She spent many years in the dance world and as an NGA bikini competitor. She met Donald “Duck” Long through the legendary Lenco Jim, Duck’s partner in crime at Duck X Productions. The next thing Stephanie knew, she was at Lights Out 5 doing payouts and was hooked on drag racing.

We caught up with Stephanie at No Mercy and went on a Pit Walk to learn more about Boss X. Make sure you subscribe to the Dragzine YouTube channel to see more great drag racing content.

About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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