ADRL Breaks The Cycle; Begins Selling Spectator Tickets

For years the ADRL has prided themselves on the fact they they’re providing the best deal in drag racing. They’ve given out thousands and thousands of tickets to people over the past few years to help draw attention to the organization and drag racing itself, but 2012 calls for a little change on the organizations’ policies regarding spectator entry. A recent story released on the ADRL’s official website explains how you can go about securing entry for the season opener held in Houston. Though the story about the new season getting underway is exciting, it was the story within that one that interested us more. This was pulled directly from their website about the kickoff.

Fans can now secure their spot at the first two stops on the 2012 American Drag Racing League (ADRL) Tour.

The ADRL announced on Thursday that tickets are now available for purchase for the first race of the 2012 season, CarSafe Dragpalooza VIII, which takes place on March 30-31 at Royal Purple Raceway in Houston, and the second race, the Spring Drags III, which takes place on April 20-21 and marks the ADRL’s first trip to Bristol Dragway.”

With another new category in the SuperCar Showdown for 2012, the ADRL is hoping to bring more people in to see what they have to offer. ADRL Executive Vice President Jeff Fortune had this to say about the upcoming year.

The ADRL will have more cars than it ever has before in 2012, which means fans will see non-stop action and the best events the ADRL has ever offered

We have always worked hard to provide the best action in drag racing while also remaining the best deal in drag racing.

So will this slight change to the program play a big factor in generating revenue? If they get just as many or more people through the gates they will obviously take in some money. But this could easily back fire and drive people away from either entering, or if they do enter, not spending more money once inside on apparel, gifts, and food. As with every new type of venture the results are uncertain and need time to be proven. So only time will tell if the popularity of the organization will be enough for people to come out and pay a per-head gate fee plus parking to see the races.


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