In the first of what will be many unique twists thrown into the Horsepower Wars $10K Drag Shootout, today we reveal the 10th and final team — which will fill the fourth spot in the 10-day build-off: the “Dream Team” presented by COMP Cams . And that team may include YOU!
Through the gracious support of the folks at COMP, an “all-star team” made up of talented gearheads just like yourself will to take part in the $10K Drag Shootout. That team will go head-to-head against three other teams chosen from around the country in this high-octane program that will provide the teams 10 days, $3,000 cash, and a $7,000 credit at Summit Racing to build the quickest and fastest drag racing machine possible and then line them up on the drag strip in Norwalk, Ohio in September at the Shakedown event.
We’re looking for the best of the best to make up the five-person team, including a driver, engine builder, driveline specialist, fabricator, and mechanic/tuner. Whether you applied for the $10K Drag Shootout and didn’t make the cut or have been clamoring to get in on the event, this is your opportunity to shine!
How it Works:
- The $10K Drag Shootout “Dream Team” is sponsored by COMP Cams.
- COMP stepped up and offered to sponsor a fourth HORSEPOWER WARS team called the Dream Team which will be comprised of 5 individuals. COMP will be giving $2,000 to each member of the Dream team to help them pay for travel, hotel and food expenses, plus TCI’s Jeff Reed will be stepping up as team captain to help coordinate all the logistics and teamwork.
- COMP and Horsepower Wars are looking for five of the best people to enter the $10K Shootout competition:
- Driver
- Engine Builder
- Driveline (Transmission/Rear End)
- Fabricator
- Mechanic/Tuner
- You can apply for up to two (2) positions.
- COMP Cams and Horsepower Wars staff will work together to narrow down the list to the top choices per position. A soon to be announced expert panel of drag racing experts will help determine the final picks.
- If your team win(s), the Driver will take home the car, and the $10,000 cash will be split among the other 4 members of the crew.
Here is a link to the application.
Download this form under the “file” menu at the top left as a “Microsoft Word (.docx) and fill it out electronically on your computer. APPLICATION IS DUE 100% COMPLETE BY MAY 7, 2018. Please submit application via email to [email protected] with at least ONE high-resolution photo (1800 pixels wide, shot horizontally, 1 MB minimum). Please replace the blue text with your responses. This must be submitted electronically as a Microsoft Word or editable document. No written applications are permitted.
This is a major competition and will require a significant amount of time, effort, and energy, and will be watched by millions. Please be prepared and careful with your application. This is a detailed application, take your time filling it out.
Who will lead the team?
COMP/TCI’s own Jeff Reed will serve as the team leader for the Dream Team during the build and filming, leading the five individuals chosen by our expert drag racing panel to fill each of the aforementioned positions. Those chosen for the Dream Team will get money to help pay for their travel and lodging expenses for the build and will then attend the Shakedown at the Summit in Norwalk, Ohio in September to square off with their opponents in a winner-take-all drag race, with the vehicle and $10,000 going to the winning team.
The Dream Team, of course, comes into the competition at a disadvantage as will lack the chemistry of the other three combatants who have spent years building and tweaking machinery together. But will the carefully-chosen individuals and their skillsets be enough to win the whole thing?
If you believe you have what it takes to join forces with other Dream Team members for this once-in-a-lifetime build, simply click here to view the preliminary rules and download the application form. You may apply for no more than two positions on the team, and all applications are due no later than May 7, 2018. Don’t miss out!
The Horsepower Wars $10K Shootout is a competition where teams square off to see who can build the fastest drag car in 10 days with only $3,000 in cash and $7,000 in Summit Racing credit.
This interesting and innovative competition has been made possible by some of the leading companies in our industry: Royal Purple, Comp Cams, TCI Transmissions, Mickey Thompson Performance Tires & Wheels, E3 Spark Plugs, Fragola, Diablosport, Mahle Motorsports, DynaBatt, ProCharger, Weld Racing, ARP, BMR Suspension, QA1, PRW, Covercraft, and of course, Summit Racing.