Austin Prock Breaks 340 mph Barrier at NHRA Finals

During the first round of eliminations at the 59th annual In-N-Out Burger NHRA Finals in Pomona, California, Austin Prock made drag racing history with a top speed of 341.68 mph. This makes him the first-ever driver to officially crack the 340 mph barrier at NHRA competition.

The day before Prock set the record, he clinched his first NHRA Funny Car world championship, further affirming his mastery in the series. At the wheel of his AAA Chevrolet Camaro SS, Prock laid down a 3.804-second effort in Saturday’s final qualifying session for his 11,000-horsepower machine. This time ranks as the fourth-fastest in NHRA history and the quickest since 2017 since the NHRA changed its header rules for funny cars.

Austin Prock passes 340 mph barrier at NHRA finals

“I’ve been able to catch the scoreboard the last two runs. When we ran the .80, I saw it, and right there I caught it. I just love Pomona. This is unreal to run 3.80 last night and go 341.68 today. This is one fast Chevrolet and we’re the first NHRA team to do it,” Prock said about the run.

This record is more than just a personal achievement. He was aided in large part by the team of Prock’s father, crew chief Jimmy Prock, and his brother, Thomas. The experience and dedication of the group were integral to creating a new pinnacle for the 3rd generation AAA Chevrolet Camaro SS.

Prock has been steadily building towards this achievement. He earned eight victories during the season and reached 12 final rounds in 20 events. This level of performance not only led to his championship, it showed that he could push the boundaries of speed and performance in the sport. Prock’s accomplishment has been praised across the drag-racing community. For competitors and fans, just hitting the 340s in an official NHRA event is a milestone. It highlights the peak of automotive engineering and an uncompromising pursuit of perfection inherent in racing.

Prock raises the "speed limit 340" signage

To sum up, passing the 340 mph Barrier at NHRA with 341.68 mph for Austin Prock at the Finals is an important moment in the history of drag racing. This just highlights how impressive their job is, the efficiency between drivers and teammates, and just how rapidly speed and performance can change in this sport.

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