BendPak PL-6000DCX: Space-Saving Two-Post Parking Lift

two post parking lift

Tight parking spaces are no match for BendPak’s latest solution, the PL-6000DCX two-post parking lift. Designed to maximize efficiency, this new lift builds on the success of the original PL-6000DC with a crucial upgrade—a wider platform that makes getting in and out of vehicles easy.

“We listened to customers and made our existing space-saving lift more versatile by engineering a wider platform that lets operators open vehicle doors wider,” explains Sean Price, BendPak’s Director of sales operations. “The PL-6000DCX makes the most of the space available for both long- and short-term parking at home or in a commercial facility.”

two post parking lift with vehicles

This lift brings a lot to the table. It fits neatly into a standard 8-foot parking space, indoors or outdoors, and holds two vehicles—cars, SUVs, or light trucks. Even better, multiple units can be ganged together with shared columns, creating a compact and customizable solution for car collectors, dealerships, parking garages, or anyone looking to double their parking capacity.

But it’s not just about convenience—reliability, and safety are at the core of the PL-6000DCX. The lift uses a single direct-drive hydraulic cylinder, avoiding the complex screw mechanisms seen in some systems. This design ensures smoother operation and reduces maintenance. Its gravity-driven lowering system also saves energy, cutting operating costs without sacrificing performance.

Safety features include powerful load-holding devices that automatically lock the lift during use, preventing sudden drops. Adjustable platforms accommodate vehicles of various sizes, and operators can rest the lift on the locks to minimize strain on suspension components, extending the life of the system.

Rated for 6,000 pounds, this commercial-grade lift comes with a comprehensive installation guide, including foundation drawings and layout options, making setup straightforward.

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