Building Stainless Steel Zoomie Headers

Zoomie Headers aren’t just about raw horsepower—they’re about precision, performance, and taking control of your setup. As Tim McAmis explains, these stainless steel headers offer a game-changing combination of power and adaptability, helping racers optimize both engine performance and chassis balance.

Designed with high-horsepower drag racing in mind, stainless steel Zoomie Headers deliver massive airflow with their  2-1/2” primaries.  This unrestricted flow minimizes back pressure, unlocking the full potential of your engine.

stainless zoomie header kit

Mcamis explains, “You’re going to get eight tubes, eight main tubes in each kit, eight sleeves, and then the collector end braces for the kit. You still will need a header flange, so you’re going to need a specific flange for whatever head that you have on the engine. The tubes feature carefully designed bends, changing two degrees at a time so that when you lay that tube back, they all line up straight. If you have them bent all the same degree, then when you try to lay them back, they don’t follow the side of the car straight; they won’t follow the body of the car.”

assembled zoomie header

When you get the kit, you’ll just lay out the four tubes on each side and then start attaching them to the header flange. The kit includes slip tubes, which go over the tube and then tie in this brace, which will then support the bottom section. For higher-power applications, Mcamis notes, “Depending on the power output of your engine or how bad you’re going to beat these things up, you would really want to add a support out here off of this plate. You’re going to want to put a support back to the chassis of some kind.”

Zoomie Headers are also incredibly tunable. “Depending on what type of racing you’re doing, there’s a lot of benefit to the layback of the earders. Obviously, more layback gives you some push, and then more straight up gives you some downforce on the front end,” Mcamis states.

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