Carburetor Tuning Tips From Fuel Systems Technology

Correctly addressing the fuel and air needs for an engine will require a carburetor that’s not only the proper size, but also has been tuned for that specific mill. Getting the right size carburetor is usually the easy part, but tuning can be tricky depending on your application. Fuel Systems Technology (FST) helped put together this handy video to make the process much easier for those who are learning to tune a carburetor.

A carburetor is the perfect mechanical device for mixing fuel and air as it enters an internal combustion engine — where things can get tricky is making sure you have the right amount of fuel to go with the air. High-performance engines can make dialing in the tune-up on a carburetor a challenge due to the size of the camshaft or volume demands it presents for fuel and air. Understanding the basics of how to tune a carburetor will make adjusting one for any engine much easier.

When you’ve got everything hooked up to the carburetor you’ll want to make sure a few basic things are done before you fire the car up. Ken from FST does a great job breaking everything down in this video and he starts by explaining what to look at from start to finish. The fuel pressure is very important and typically needs to be at 6.5 psi to ensure your floats are set to where they need to be. After checking the sight glasses and confirming the float level is correct, you can start the car and begin the adjustment process.

Make sure you watch this video to see how to set a carburetor idle speed and air/fuel settings for an FST carburetor.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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