Check Out Tim McAmis Race Cars Door Slammer Build Video Series

Tim McAmis with the basis for the Top Sportsman chassis build featured in the legendary chassis shop's YouTube series.

Tim McAmis with the basis for the Top Sportsman chassis build featured in the legendary chassis shop’s YouTube series.

Legendary doorslammer chassis builder Tim McAmis and his crew at Tim McAmis Race Cars have been no strangers to YouTube in recent years, adding hours of content to the company’s Tim McAmis Performance Parts channel. While some of the content is fun, tongue-in-cheek humor regarding the state of the sport of drag racing, the majority of the footage featured on the channel is certainly a wealth of chassis know-how free to all with internet access. One of the more interesting features is the Door Slammer Build Series, an in-depth series following the complete build up of one of the shop’s top-tier chassis projects.

Currently fourteen installments deep and growing, the series follows the construction of the car literally step by step from the layout of the base chassis to what will ultimately be a race-ready 1969 Camaro-bodied Top Sportsman car. The introduction lays out the plan for the series, and then video number one jumps directly into the assembly of the base chassis.

Each subsequent video follows the addition of accessories and components to that same chassis, so we’re seeing an actual chronological build as if we were at the shop each day — a truly unprecedented level of access to one of the top chassis shops in the nation.

A view of the car from the fourteenth installment shows just how far the project has come.

A view of the car from the fourteenth installment shows just how far the project has come.

With the most recent addition – wing and parachute mounting – the series is nearing the point where the car should be on the track for testing very soon. This is an exciting threshold in any project and the prospect of the car we have watched come to existence from a pile of parts and a stack of pipe actually loading up and hitting the track is very cool! Check back soon, as new videos are posted about once a week, so hopefully the completed car will be on the ground and ready for testing within the next few weeks!

About the author

Jeremy Patterson

A former bracket racer, Jeremy, known by many as "Taco," stepped out of the seat in 2005 to focus on his growing family. A few years ago, he returned to the sport, this time as a photographer and a journalist.
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