Coronet Perfection: Al Carp’s Stunning Hemi-Powered 1965 Coronet

Todd Hoven is a lucky guy, he gets to drive Al Carp’s stunning 1965 Dodge Coronet at NHRA events across the country. This Coronet not only looks like it could win a car show, but there’s a nasty cross-ram Hemi lurking under the hood that’s backed by a 727 transmission. At AA/SA Stock class weight, the car has gone 9.44 at 139 mph.


The Coronet was originally raced with a Wedge engine combo before Ray and Dave Barton built the rowdy Hemi to power the Dodge. Besides stuffing the Hemi in the Coronet, the Bartons went through the entire car to make sure it was fully optimized. Dave piloted the Coronet for several years before it was replaced by a Drag Pak Challenger. Hoven helped the Barton family with their Factory Showdown cars, so that’s how he was introduced to Carp and got the call to race the Coronet.

To prepare the Coronet for class racing, the team at Ray Barton Racing Engines started with an OEM Dodge block. A set of Edelbrock aluminum heads that are approved for NHRA class racing were added to the engine. To top off the Hemi, a Mopar Performance intake with a pair of Holley carburetors was bolted to the mill. All of that Hemi horsepower is sent back to a rear suspension that’s highlighted by a set of AJM assassin traction bars.

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Getting to drive a car like this is a real privilege for Hoven and he doesn’t take it for granted. Carp makes sure the car is outfitted with the best parts, so Hoven always has a car that’s capable of winning. Over the years, this Coronet has turned on plenty of win lights with Hoven behind the wheel and it always looks good doing it.

About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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