Fast Cars And Clocks Off, The LS Fest 10K No Time Shootout

Holley’s LS Fest East is the original, and largest of all the LS Fest horsepower parties. There’s always so much to check out at LS Fest East, and the racing side of things brings out some awesome cars. The Callies $10K No Time Shootout has turned into a headlining event for drag racing fans, and the 2024 Shootout was off the hook.

The LS Fest East team has kept things simple for the $10K No Time Shootout since its inception. This is truly a run what you brung, and hope you brung enough race. The clocks are off, the vehicle must be LS or LT-powered, and it has to sit on a 275 radial or 28×10.5-inch non-W slick. Each vehicle must have a steel roof and quarters to be legal, and you can leave the wheelie bars at home. Outside of that, the vehicle needs to pass tech for how quick it can go. Drivers are vetted to make sure they’re bringing something that will be on par with the rest of the competitors. It’s not a race for the weak, that’s for sure.

To get the full $10K No Time Shootout experience, you need to attend LS Fest. Luckily, we had someone document their trip to LS Fest for us, and they captured all the $10K No Time Shootout action. Check out this video from Dragzine’s Shanton Wilson on our YouTube Channel. Wilson gives you a look at some of what LS Fest has to offer and shows you how fast the $10K No Time Shootout cars and trucks really are.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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