Gear Up For The Ninth Annual Race And Performance Expo In February

Winner’s Circle Speed and Custom started the Race and Performance Expo back in 2007, and it has seen exponential growth ever since. In February 2016, the Ninth annual Race and Performance Expo will take place at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center in Schaumburg, Illinois. For those that couldn’t make it to SEMA or PRI this year, this is definitely a show you don’t want to miss.

“We saw a need for a racing expo in the Chicagoland and Midwest area that would be open not only to the racers, car builders and fabricators and such, but to the general public, and fans as well,” explained Tom Stockenberg of Winner’s Circle Speed and Custom. “We are trying to grow the pie bigger so everyone can get a larger slice!”

Gracing the 100,000 square-foot convention center will be racing retailers, engine builders, race car builders, race sanctioning bodies, and a whole lot more. Unlike SEMA and PRI, this show is open to the general public, and products can be bought right off of the show floor from vendors. In addition to all of the vendors exhibiting, there will also be a swap meet area where consumers can buy, sell, and trade parts.

There will be no shortage of eye candy, as the race car builders and fabricators exhibiting will be showing off some of their wildest creations. Hot Rod Chassis and Cycle will be exhibiting at the expo for the first time, and they have decided to bring their Violent Valiant that debuted at the 2014 SEMA show. We’ve had the car at our facility, and it is a beautiful work of functioning automotive art. Be sure to check it out at the expo!

A really cool organization that will be at the expo is the Hot Rodders Of Tomorrow, and it brings together high school automotive tech teams to compete in events, such as tearing down a V8 engine and reassembling it right on the show floor. How cool!

February 20th and 21st are the dates of the show, so mark your calendars! Treat yourself and your family, or bring your friends to have a great weekend learning about the latest in performance technology, drool over some awesome cars, and eat some awesome food in the Schaumburg area. For more information about the Race and Performance Expo, check out the website here.

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About the author

Josh Kirsh

Born in Van Nuys, Raised in Murrieta, Joshua Kirsh is a SoCal Native. With a love for anything on wheels since the ripe young age of two, Joshua Managed to turn his love for automobiles into a career. As Power Automedia's newest writer, he plans to bring you some of the industry's hottest news topics while he's not out in the shop wrenching on some of our badass in-house project builds.
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