Go Big: Vortech’s New V-30 BBC Billet Mounting Bracket System

The fast bracket racing classes of Top Dragster and Top Sportsman remain extremely popular, and that means racers are always looking for ways to improve their performance so they can stay competitive. The use of centrifugal superchargers in both classes has become common, so racers need ways to mount these blowers to their engines. Vortech Superchargers is addressing this need with its new V-30 billet mounting bracket assembly for big-block Chevy engines.

Centrifugal superchargers have become popular in fast bracket racing applications because they have smooth power application, and that makes them easier to tune. These superchargers are also easier on parts and don’t require an exotic engine to make big horsepower.

One issue that racers face trying to use these superchargers has been packaging — a crank driven system takes up a lot of space in the engine area of a racecar. The BBC Billet Mounting Bracket from Vortech is designed to use the company’s powerful V-30 supercharger without hogging too much valuable real estate.

Vortech’s Sales and Marketing Director Jimmy Martz explains what the company wanted to incorporate into this system.

“This BBC Billet Mounting Bracket was approached as a clean-sheet design. There was a need for a mounting solution for a V-30 Supercharger where a gear drive would not fit. We used the latest modeling tools available, which affords the use of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and FEA (Finite Element Analysis) analysis. This allowed Vortech to engineer, design, and produce a very strong yet lightweight unit. “

Since the BBC Billet Mounting Bracket would be dealing with cars making upwards of 2,800 horsepower, Vortech knew the final product would need to be rigid. That required the use of high-quality billet material and a cog drive assembly that was bulletproof. The entire package has a very small footprint while still looking aesthetically pleasing. The kits will fit 9.8 and 10.2 deck height engines, it has a dual-bearing billet aluminum idler with flanges, a drive belt idler adjustment screw with arbor and spacers, a billet water crossover assembly, 50mm cog drive, and all the mounting hardware is included.

The BBC Billet Mounting Bracket is perfect for Top Dragster and Top Sportsman racers, however, a bracket racer who’s looking to add some horsepower can easily use this product. Even those who have a classic muscle car or high-horsepower street car can use the BBC Billet Mounting Bracket if they have enough space under the hood.

Ultimately, racers are the ones who will benefit from the BBC Billet Mounting Bracket for the V-30 supercharger the most. Martz provides some information about what this system will do for those trying to go even faster at the track.

“With the blower facing the front of the vehicle, it opens up the possibility of getting a ram effect, which increases the pressure ratio to the supercharger, in turn creating more HP. This ram effect along with more inlet options for less restriction, the V-30 Supercharger reliability in a cog belt bracket system, and the ability to make 1500-2800 horsepower, makes the BBC Billet Mounting Bracket a great option for racers.”

To learn more about the BBC Billet Mounting Bracket and the V-30 supercharger check out Vortech’s website right here.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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