Go Nostalgia Pro Stock Racing With This 4th-Gen Firebird

Kyle Weck, son of late Chicago Wiseguys champion and noted Pro Mod racer Chuck Weck, recently listed this fourth-gen Firebird that belonged to his late father for sale on the Yellowbullet Classified Facebook page, and it’s everything we could want in a nostalgia Pro Stocker. As we’ve said before, the fourth-gen Firebird Trans Am might just be the best looking door car body of all-time, and this one is near perfection.

The chassis was built by Jerry Haas and features a carbon-fiber body with steel quarters. Under the monster hood scoop is a 706 cubic-inch bullet based on a Donovan aluminum cylinder block that is topped with Sonny’s Racing Engines heads and a Sonny’s intake manifold with dual Braswell 7390 carburetors.

We can hear the big-block come to life as you push in the Ram clutch and fire it up, and a few revs from the crisp-sounding rat motor clear things up before you drop it into gear and let it loose in the burnout box. Then, stage it, put it on the chip, and dump the clutch.

Now you’re rowing through the five forward gears of the Liberty’s Gears Pro Stock transmission on your way to collecting a 6-second time-slip, just like the professionals did back in the day.

According to Jeff Fleming, the Firebird has been a best of .953 in 60-feet, 4.14 at 170 mph to the 1/8-mile, and 6.43 at 215 mph in the quarter, which was before engine the engine was freshened up and before larger carburetors were installed. Fleming estimates that 6.30s are possible.

Fourth-gen F-bodies always make killer-looking race cars and this one is a perfect example. With a magazine editor’s salary barely able to cover the mortgage on a teepee, though, it’s up to someone with a more lucrative career to field this bad boy. So who is going to buy this thing so we can see it in action?

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About the author

Steve Baur

A lifelong automotive enthusiast, Steve Baur attended the University of South Florida for journalism and has worked as a technical editor and editor for numerous automotive publications for over 20 years.
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