Haltech’s Nexus S-Series ECUs Can Tackle Any Engine Platform

Haltech has been diligently working on continuously improving its products, and the results of that effort are the new Nexus S2 and S3 ECUs. These units are the successors to the wildly popular Elite 1500 and 2500 ECUs. The S2 and S3 ECUs are highly capable units that are based around Haltech’s advanced Nexus platform.

Haltech didn’t want to just push out a reheated product with the new S2 and S3 ECUs, so it started with a completely blank canvas to create these units. There was a laundry list of features that Haltech wanted to include in the S2 and S3 based on feedback it received from its customer base. The final product is a pair of ECUs that are high quality, affordable, and very powerful.

The S2 and S3 ECUs can support dual drive-by-wire throttle bodies, and have a single-channel onboard wideband. That single channel can be expanded to a total of 10 channels with an external CAN device. Haltech has also included in the ECUs its onboard Wi-Fi, which allows users to remotely tune or monitor their vehicle through the NSP software, or Haltech Connect app. The S2 and S3 also have advanced torque management capabilities that were only available on the NEXUS R series and Elite 2500T ECUs.

Both the S2 and S3 can work with distributor ignition systems, multi-coil ignitions, and CDI ignition systems. The ECUs can also control both naturally aspirated and forced induction engine packages. Each ECU has an onboard four-bar MAP sensor as well.

Haltech’s S2 and S3 ECUs are extremely powerful and will control a wide variety of engines and functions. You can learn more about these ECUs and see everything they have to offer right here on Haltech’s website.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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