IHRA Announces 2025 Division Realignment to Benefit Racers

IHRA announces division realignment

The International Hot Rod Association (IHRA) has announced major changes to its divisional structure for 2025, reflecting a deep commitment to the racers, track partners, and marketing teams that make drag racing thrive. This division realignment isn’t just about logistics; it’s about responding directly to the community and ensuring that every decision prioritizes racers’ needs.

The initiative, known as #IHRAReturnToGlory, goes beyond a tagline. It symbolizes the IHRA’s dedication to collaborating with its partners and racers to build the strongest drag racing organization in North America. According to IHRA President Kenny Nowling, this process involved taking feedback seriously and making thoughtful changes to better serve the community.

“Shortly after we announced plans to realign and consolidate some of our divisions for 2025, I received several e-mails, messages, and phone calls from racers and track partners alike,” said Nowling. “As President of the IHRA, I will always strive to do what’s best for our racers, track partners, and marketing partners regardless of the outside noise. We were able to make changes to have a solid division lineup and a solid schedule for our Team Finals and World Finals for 2025.”

One of the most notable aspects of the division realignment involves Division 1, which now includes neighboring tracks from Division 9. This adjustment creates a stronger division and reduces travel times for racers. The IHRA Division 1 Team Finals are scheduled to take place at Darlington Dragway from October 2-4, 2025.

Similarly, Division 2 has been adjusted to include I57 Dragstrip, a move designed to cut down on travel time for racers. Holly Springs Motorsports Park will host the Division 2 Team Finals from September 11-13, 2025, and will also serve as the site for the IHRA World Finals a month later.

Other divisions have undergone strategic changes as well. For instance, Division 5 now includes Kentucky Dragway, allowing racers to compete at a closer location for the Team Finals. This event will take place at Muncie Dragway from September 4-6, 2025, saving racers an estimated two hours of travel compared to 2024.

While some divisions have become smaller, the changes ultimately aim to make the IHRA Team Finals more accessible. Division 6 now consists of three tracks, with its Team Finals hosted at Humboldt County Dragway on August 21-23, 2025. Division 7 includes three California drag strips and Hawaii’s Hilo Drag Strip, with its Team Finals scheduled at Mendota Raceway Park (dates to be announced).

“Our goal has always been to put racers and partners first,” Nowling emphasized. “This realignment isn’t just about logistics—it’s about creating a racing experience that reflects the passion and dedication of the IHRA community.”

Detailed division lineups and schedules are available on IHRA’s website and will be shared on social media in the coming days. The IHRA is excited to welcome racers and fans alike to a revitalized 2025 season, working together toward the Return to Glory.

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