Longtime Announcer Alan Reinhart Appointed To New Role At IHRA

Alan Reinhart
Earlier this week, longtime NHRA play-by-play announcer Alan Reinhart divulged on Joe Castello’s WFO Radio podcast that following 30 years of service as one of the leading voices of the world’s premier professional drag racing organization, he would not be returning to the microphone in 2025. Reinhart cited in the interview that he and NHRA officials were unable to come to terms for the season ahead. It didn’t take the industry veteran long, however, to land a new opportunity in the sport that he’s devoted his life to.
On Thursday afternoon, the International Hot Rod Association (IHRA) confirmed the addition of Reinhart as its new Vice President of Racing Operations, looking to capitalize on his decades of experience attending everything from national and divisional events to weekend bracket races and all points in between.
“Reinhart is the longtime voice of the sport with decades of experience announcing at the largest national events,” said IHRA officials in a public statement. “He will have an expanded role with IHRA. One of his initial priorities is to work with new IHRA President Rich Schaefer on establishing schedules. Besides providing commentary at the IHRA Nitro Jam events, Alan Reinhart will be a liaison for the professional teams and work with track operators and other stakeholders. He will also serve in a leadership role where he’s involved with management in setting policies and procedures.”
“I’m looking forward to a new challenge,” Reinhart said. “I was with NHRA for a long time, and it was an adventure for 30-plus years going to all the races. The opportunity to take on this new venture at a management level, it was time for a change.”
The rejuvenated IHRA is heading into 2025 under new leadership, with Ohio business entrepreneur Darryl Cuttel assuming ownership of the sanctioning body and promising a return to the series’ former glory — including the return of professional nitro racing. Last week, Cuttel appointed Alex Roach as the IHRA’s CEO, and Schaefer, a former NHRA Division 2 Director, as President.

About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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