Pre-Track Vehicle Data Acquisition With Dynojet Research

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Before any new high-horsepower build hits the track there are details that need to be addressed to get the car running in top form. Everything from an EFI street car to a full-blown racecar filled with technology will need tweaking before they can rip off stellar passes, and that’s where a dynamometer can help. DynoJet Research makes more than the dynos you can put your vehicle on, they offer all kinds of data acquirement methods that can be used to assist in helping your car perform its best.

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Dynos are great tools to help do more than just tune, as they can diagnose possible issues with their wide range of sensor options. There are many different data acquisition systems that DynoJet Research has built in to work with the main module of the dyno to help see exactly what’s going on with your ride.

For modern muscle cars, there’s the OBDII Data Link Module that can be used to send data directly to the DynoWare RT main box by connecting directly in to the car’s data port. This allows the pulling of RPM data directly without having to hook up additional sensors like normally would need to be done.

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There are additional analog ports available to help tune your and monitor your car during a pull that offer an assortment of options, like boost and fuel pressure. DynoJet Research offers wiring kits that allow you to create your own sensors that can be used with standard zero to five volt sensors. These kits can be used to address the data gathering needs of even the most complex racecars.

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Where all of this helps a high-powered EFI street car, or even a full on racecar, is data can be gathered and analyzed in a controlled environment. The racer can then make their adjustments as needed before they head to the track, and have time to sort out other issues on their new combo while making passes.

You can go to the DynoJet Research YouTube page here to see even more videos about how a dyno can be used as an effective tool for your race program.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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