RC Components Has Wheels For Any Dragster

Dragsters are designed to be the optimal machine for drag racing competition. Everything about a modern dragster is laid out to make it as efficient as possible. RC Components has developed its dragster wheels to aid in making any dragster look good and perform better.

RC Components is very serious about its offerings of front dragster wheels. Each of its designs are available in 17×2.25”. That gives racers the choice between eight different designs in five different finishes. All of the wheels include the correct Anglia spindle mount bearings for dragster applications. These wheels are lightweight, and have been machined for minimum run out without sacrificing strength.

The F-5 rear wheels are perfect for any dragster application. These wheels are a one-piece forged unit that comes with beadlocks, and weigh just 19 pounds each. The F-5 has SFI 15-1 and 15-3 versions available. You can get these wheels in RC Comp’s polished or Eclipse finishes. If you want to save some more weight and increase strength, there’s even a titanium bolt upgrade kit available for the F-5 wheels.

“We’ve really worked hard at creating a great lineup of dragster wheels. These wheels all have beautiful and unique designs that will elevate the look of any dragster. When you couple that with our short lead times and the benefits of these wheels, it makes for a great package.” says RC Components RJ Clutter.

If you’re interested in upgrading the wheels on your dragster, you’ll want to check out the RC Components website. You can see all of the designs and options available right here.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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