Reese Brothers Heading To Lights Out 8 With Pro Boost ‘Vette

16003199_1212894645412909_6853649147842807255_nWith the annual early-season pilgrimage to South Georgia Motorsports Park for Duck X Productions’ Lights Out radial extravaganza getting closer and closer, we’re beginning to see more announcements from teams planning to take a shot at the stack of cash – and more importantly, the bragging rights – that will be going home with the winner. One such team planning on making the transition from steamrollers to radials is that of Georgia-based brothers David and Kelsey Reese.

Kelsey owns the sleek blue C7-bodied Pro Boost-legal entry you see here, which was built by Reese Brothers Race Cars – yes, the same Reese Brothers – and will be driven by David as the team takes their first shot at Radial vs the World action. Swedish Pro Mod ace Adam Flamholc will be on hand helping David with tuning duties, as the Chuck Ford supercharged powerplant is one of his old units. A Neal Chance Torque Converter bolts to the crank and sends the power rearward to a Lencodrive transmission. The ‘Vette, which the team also plans to run in Carolina Extreme Pro Mod and NMCA Pro Mod some through the season, will have to carry some weight to make it legal for Radial vs the World, but David feels confident they can be competitive.

“I think we can go 3.80’s pretty easily,” David said when asked for an ET prediction, showing his confidence in the chassis and engine combination despite the drastic differences in big- and small-tire racing. By this point, though, the roadmap has been laid out by several others who have made that transition, though having a blown combination will require the brothers and Flamholc to explore some uncharted territory, as most of the other Pro Mod-style cars to jump into the radial world have been nitrous combinations. Look for this badass blue Stingray to make plenty of noise, and possibly some waves at the biggest small tire race on the planet next month!

About the author

Jeremy Patterson

A former bracket racer, Jeremy, known by many as "Taco," stepped out of the seat in 2005 to focus on his growing family. A few years ago, he returned to the sport, this time as a photographer and a journalist.
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