Reeves Performance Racing Purchases Monza’s 1970 Chevelle

Jerry “Monza” Johnston’s 1970 Chevelle known as “Bad Attitude” had been listed for sale and was eventually sold to a secret buyer. Well, it’s been revealed that the Chevelle was purchased by Reeves Performance Racing and will be campaigned by young gun Chevy Reeves. The Pro Line Racing-powered Chevelle will now be known as “The Yeti”.

CJ Race Cars created a rolling piece of art when they built the Chevelle for Johnston. The car was built using every trick in the book and was optimized for no prep racing. Reeves plans on keeping the 564 cubic-inch MH7 Pro Line Hemi as the car’s powerplant of choice. Boost will be provided by a F4-140-1 ProCharger. A M&M Transmission TH400 will back the combination. The FuelTech ECU will continue to control The Yeti. A tuner of record hasn’t been named yet for the car.

Reeves may be young, but he has been racing for most of his life. At the age of 10, Reeves began his racing career behind the wheel of a Junior Dragster. As Reeves has grown older, he has moved on to faster vehicles and spent plenty of time in the cockpit of a Top Dragster. Reeves has raced all over Western North America at big bracket events and other races.

The Yeti will be arriving at its new home in Alberta sometime in September. After the car arrives, Reeves will start doing some testing and learn how to drive a 3,000 horsepower doorslammer. When the 2025 race season kicks off, Reeves and his team will hit the road to chase some NPK glory.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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