School Of Automotive Machinists Officially Becomes SAM Tech


Thirty years after its founding as the School of Automotive Machinists — and with an equal number of years as a trusted name in high performance and motorsports education — SAM is changing its name to better reflect its technology-driven education initiatives. Following an official announcement earlier today, the School of Automotive Machinists will now be known as the School of Automotive Machinists & Technology, or SAM Tech.

“The addition of ‘& Technology’ to our name shows how the performance racing industry is changing. Today there is so much tuning that can be done on a laptop that does not require opening the hood on some cars. Our Motorsports EFI Tuning Program started in January and the Associates Degree Program has been helping students further their education since 2014,” said Brian Massingill, director of student motorsports. “With the name change comes a new nickname as well. Where we were SAM or SAM Racing we are now SAM Tech,” Brian continued.

12778670_1214453321916078_1118141428396476396_oSAM Tech, one of the most renowned schools of its kind, offers degree programs to automotive-minded youth in engine block, cylinder head, and CNC machining. In addition to its in-class training, SAM Tech also campaigns a number of racing vehicles, which provides students the opportunity to go hands-on in a true motorsports environment.

About SAM Tech

Since 1985, the School of Automotive Machinists & Technology, based in Houston, has provided the motorsports industry with well-trained graduates. The realization of the need for qualified performance engine builders originated with founders and owners Judson and Linda Massingill. SAM Tech offers five programs to qualify students to become engine machinists. The programs are comprised of block, head, and CNC machining as well as EFI tuning and associate degree programs. The School of Automotive Machinists & Technology has placed graduates with top race teams in NASCAR, NHRA, IndyCar, and other series. SAM Tech campaigns a COPO in NHRA Stock eliminator, crewed by SAM Tech students. For more information, visit

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About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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