The Dragzine Podcast Episode 37: Mark Pawuk

Each week on The Dragzine Podcast we bring you the thoughts, stories, and opinions of those involved in the sport of drag racing.  You can play The Dragzine Podcast directly below in this article. The Podcast can also be found on iTunes, GoogleMusic,, and on the PodBean app. Make sure you subscribe to The Dragzine Podcast so you’re notified when a new episode is available.

This week on The Dragzine Podcast Mark “Cowboy” Pawuk joins us. We get to hear from Mark about how he got into drag racing, his thoughts on Pro Stock, and what he loves about running the Factory Showdown class.

About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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