The Radial Outlaws Racing Series Unveils Its Epic 2025 Schedule

Donald “Duck” Long and his merry band of small tire outlaws injected an unprecedented level of excitement into radial racing through the Duck X Productions events at South Georgia Motorsports Park (SGMP). The FuelTech Radial Outlaw Racing Series (RORS) harnessed that electricity and turned it into a small tire racing series. The 2024/2025 RORS series has been released and it has some epic events lined up.

The RORS current class offerings include Radial vs The World, Pro 275, Limited Drag Radial, X275, and Ultra Street. These classes get to compete for healthy purses at each event, and there are some handsome payouts to class champions at the end of the year. On top of that, the RORS also has some pretty cool trophies for its winners at each stop on the tour.

In 2025, the RORS will make a trip north to U.S. 131 Motorsports Park in Martin, Michigan. The “Shakedown At M-Town” is bringing back the iconic Shakedown race that Dave Hance started at the legendary Old Bridge Township Raceway Park, known as the “Shakedown At E-Town”.  The event was later continued at Summit Motorsports Park, before being taken over by Tyler Crossnoe and the team at Virgina Motorsports Park.

The first RORS race of the 2024/2025 season was held during the World Street Nationals at Orlando Speed World Dragway. When the new year begins, RORS racers will kick things off at Bradenton Motorsports Park during the U.S. Street Nationals. The series will visit SGMP for Lights Out 16 in February, then head to Rockingham Dragway in March for the Battle For The Thrones. You can catch the RORS at Alabama International Dragway in April for the Bama Outlaws event. The RORS heads north in May for the Shakedown at M-Town. SGMP will be the final stop for the RORS series with No Mercy 16 in October.

You can learn more about the RORS right here.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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