The Volkswagen Beetle is definitely an icon when it comes to the automotive industry.
The need for a car like this came about when Adolf Hitler wished for a cheap, simple car to be mass-produced for the new road network of his country. When he got the disastrous war he wished for too, the Beetle had to wait until after Germany’s defeat to truly become the “people’s car.” With over 21 million manufactured, the beetle is the longest-running, most-manufactured vehicle of a single design platform, worldwide.
We’re kind of seeing a pattern with the turbocharged, LS-powered beetle in the photo above; The longest-running, most-manufactured car in the world received the most reliable, universal engine transplant in the world. Was it meant to be? Maybe not, but it’s a kick ass combination and it just seems to work, and pretty well at that.
As you can see, the front end of the car has been extended to accommodate the LS1 engine and massive turbo. It would’ve conceivably fit in the rear (as others have done in the past), but a lot more fabrication would’ve been needed. Also, take note of the chain-driven steering assembly. Another custom touch that probably works better than we think.
The owner, Patrick Melson, stated, “This is just my creation of a Volkswagen Beetle, kinda like a Model A.” We can’t object to that, as the Model A was and still is quite the commodity to hack up and modify. When the camera man asks Melson why he built this car, he came back with, “Because I’ve had everything else.”
Dare to be different. Build the car of your dreams and don’t let anyone stop you. Just prove them wrong. We really dig Melson’s iteration of a Volkswagen Beetle, even if Maltese crosses and chrome skull taillights aren’t our thing.