Today, 10/10, Declared Annual Motorsport Memorial Day

The Motorsport Safety Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to improving safety standards of the sport we know and love, has officially declared October 10 as Annual Motorsport Memorial Day. The charity was founded in honor of late professional race car driver Sean Edwards, and continues to address issues in hopes to prevent enthusiast’s accidents.

The motorsport world is as thrilling as it is dangerous.

The racing community can now dedicate 10/10 each year to honoring the drivers, marshals, instructors, crew members, and fans that are no longer with us. Per the press release from the foundation, the date was selected in tribute to those who approach motorsport at “10/10th’s.”

Today, enthusiasts are urged to come together and pay tribute to family, friends, and motorsport legends – by sharing images and stories on social media using the hashtag #motorsportmemorialday or making a donation on their website HERE.

Some racing legends gone to soon – including Dale Earnhardt, Dan Wheldon, Sean Edwards, and more.

This year, the charity will be giving away 100 ICE DOT helmet stickers to those showing their support and sharing stories. Each helmet sticker will include a PIN code, allowing first responders to text the number on the helmet and instantly receive that person’s important medical information as well as notify specified emergency contacts.

Henrique Cisneros, Chairman, Director, and President of the Motorsport Safety Foundation said, “We are proud to be able to honor those who have passed on a nationally recognized Motorsport Memorial Day.”

About the author

Jenna Schiebe

Jenna’s addiction to all things automotive began soon after she was introduced to the car scene at age 16. She has a special interest in imports but, at the end of the day, is a enthusiast that loves anything that goes fast.
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