For a drag racer, there are few things more embarrassing than breaking something the driveline. The reason being, 9 times out of 10, it occurs within the first couple hundred feet of a run, if not within feet of leaving the starting line. And when something in the driveline goes south — be it the driveshaft, the rear end, an axle (or two), or even the wheel lugs — you’re not going anywhere. There’s no backing off the starting line and driving it to the trailer or idling down to the turnoff. No, no, out comes the jack, a dolly, and a wrecker, right there in front of everyone.
True, a broken part is a broken part and it’s a lot better then crashing the car, but it’s still a kick in the gut to have your car wounded and a crowd to watch on during your misfortune.
But it’s even worse when your misfortune is broadcasted on the internet, and in this case, that misfortune was a completely sheared-off set of passenger side wheel lugs that sent this Olds Cutlass bucking off the starting line like a pissed off bull at a rodeo.
Captured during a grudge race known as the “Shut Up and Race” Street Car Shootout at a little-known track in Eatonton, Ga. known as the Headhunters Motor Club Dragway, this footage has been edited with a little comedic flare, even splicing in a stand-up comedy scene of Kevin Hart to poke fun at the situation, in which the entire wheel exits stage left (well, actually stage right) just off the line and leaves the Buick and its driver stranded on just three wheels on the racing surface.
Of course, in a grudge race, you don’t just have a broken race car and broken pride to contend with….you also lose a pile of cash, too. Talk about a bad day at the track.
(Video by Mandrell Shutupandrace)