Video: Radiator Cap Tech Tips With Moroso

Fluid retention in a cooling system is vitally important to any racecar because it helps keeps temperatures in check, and is important for safety because fluid on the track (or under your tires) is never good. Moroso has found a way to help racers with their cooling system needs with their high-quality tanks and radiator caps. In this video, Scott Hall from Moroso goes over how to use their upgraded radiator caps on your racecar’s cooling system.

Making sure the caps are seated correctly on any tank is a two-step process, according to Scott. You first have to seat the cap on the neck where it will keep the fluid from escaping the overflow tube with the first turn and click. The second click of the cap is what seats it fully and will prevent any fluid from leaking out of the filler neck.

The Moroso caps are a much higher quality than the standard cap you can purchase at an auto parts store and are built for racing applications. These caps are available with different pressure ratings that will allow them to work with almost any cooling system. The caps come in a variety of pressure ratings from six pounds all the way to 33 pounds. They have a steel spring that maintains the desired pressure setting for your application. The caps also have six sides so they are easy to get as tight as you need.

moroso cap 1

In the video, Scott shows you how they pressure test the tanks at Moroso with the caps on. You can see the difference between when the cap hasn’t been correctly seated on the filler neck, and when it has been put on correctly. After the cap has been seated correctly it seals the tank and prevents any leaks when full pressure is applied.

Make sure you check out Moroso’s website to see all of their caps and tanks for your racing application.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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