Video: RvW Racer Involved In Fiery Crash At No Mercy 13

Radial versus The World competitor Casey Buschmeyer was uninjured when he lost control of his nitrous oxide-assisted Chevrolet Corvette and slammed nose-first into the retaining wall during the opening session of qualifying for No Mercy 13 Wednesday evening at the South Georgia Motorsports Park. Buschmeyer, opposite Mark Woodruff in the right lane, careened across the centerline just beyond the 60-foot marker and nosed into the wall, the car erupting into a fireball upon impact. Left in its wake were parts and pieces still aflame as the emergency crews arrived, Buschmeyer, fortunately, climbed out of the car under his power.

About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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