Classic Performance Products Unveils New Website

In a digital world, it’s very important to have a website that functions at a high level. Classic Performance Products, Inc. (CPP) now has a new supercharged website that’s packed with great features and makes it even easier to find the parts you need.

CPP started slinging parts back in 1991 and quickly established itself as the go-to shop for steering, brakes, and suspension parts for a variety of classic cars and trucks. As CPP grew, so did the product lines it offered thanks to a concentrated effort on research and development based on what its customers needed. The customer focus that CPP applied to its products allowed the company to focus on what people needed for their vehicles.

The new CPP website is state-of-the-art and is full of power tools. A new search tool has been added to the website that makes finding parts easier. You can shop all of the brands that CPP sells in alphabetical order. You can also find instructions for all of CPP’s products on the website now in a digital format.

Are you trying to connect with other gearheads but don’t want to mess with social media? Well, CPP has added the CPP Forum to its website. This community is set up for classic car and truck owners who want to exchange knowledge and get ideas for their build. Looking for some project inspiration? CPP has you covered with “The Garage”, a section of the website where you can see what other people are building, CPP’s current project cars, and what CPP employees drive. The Tech Resources section of the CPP website has also been enhanced and makes it easier to find installation videos and tech articles.

Make sure you click here to check out the new CPP website.

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About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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