Nate Pritchett & Roy Hill Team Up For NHRA Factory Showdown Run

Two well-known names in drag racing are teaming up to try and take NHRA sportsman racing by storm. Roy Hill, the man behind one of the most successful drag racing schools in the country, is taking his FS/XX Ford Mustang Cobra Jet and readying it for the NHRA Lucas Oil Divisional Series this weekend at Atlanta Dragway in Commerce, GA. Former technician on the national television series, PINKS and PINKS All Out, Nate Pritchett, will be strapped in tight behind the wheel and handling the driving duties for this four-race operation running NHRA Stock Eliminator. Pritchett has been behind the wheel of his Outlaw 10.5/Radial vs. The World twin turbocharged Ford Mustang in the last few seasons and can be found at many of the top tier radial events across the country and in the northeast section of the country.

Roy has taught me a lot about driving, more than anyone else I know. Learning from a world champion has been a true blessing for me personally, he is an amazing mentor. – Nate Pritchett

Pritchett and Hill will be running two races at Atlanta Dragway this weekend, followed up by two events at the immaculate Z-Max Dragway in Charlotte, NC, including the NHRA national event that they are hoping to receive enough grade points from to qualify in the competitive series that will chew you up and spit you out if you’re not on top of your game each time the helmet goes on.

A familiar sight at the track, Roy always has a smile on his face and is happy to sit down and talk with his friends and colleagues.

A familiar sight at the track, Roy always has a smile on his face and is happy to sit down and talk with his friends and colleagues.

Looking forward, the ultimate goal for the team is to run in the Factory Super Car Showdown Shootouts at NHRA national events and seeing the Factory Super Car classes grow into more events in the future. When asking Pritchett how he felt about getting to wheel one of these ultimate gearhead dream rides, his response was straight and to the point: “These things are just flat badass. The competition and closeness reminds me of what Pro Stock used to be.”

For those who do not know the history between Pritchett and Hill, they have been working together for over ten years, including Pritchett assisting the Roy Hill’s Drag Racing School instructing the Super Comp dragster classes and doing many corporate ride-alongs for various companies and customers. Before that, Nate earned his competition licenses in numerous classes all at the instruction of Hill. After all the years, Hill and Pritchett have maintained a professional relationship along with being close friends, which shows how truly interactive Roy is with all of his students at the school. As the NHRA Lucas Oil Divisional Series rolls into Atlanta Dragway this very weekend, swing by and check out the factory super car with Nate and Roy looking to do great things in their first outing together as a team.

About the author

Tyler Crossnoe

Tyler has been involved in motorsports from an early age, and has worked at numerous drag racing facilities and now travels the country with a track preparation consulting business. He also spends plenty of time on the racing side with his personal bracket car, and as crew member on Pharris Motorsports’ Drag Radial team. Tyler joined Dragzine in 2014 as a freelance writer.
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