Pick Up Tools, Parts, Memorabilia, And More At Musi Auction

Pat Musi started slinging horsepower back in 1970 in his small shop. Since then, Pat has gone on to win plenty of races himself, provide horsepower to numerous championship-winning teams, and become one of the most innovative engine builders in drag racing. Well, Pat Musi Racing Engines is having a little garage sale, and you can bid on tons of awesome items.

Iron Horse Auction Company is running the online-only auction for Pat Musi Racing Engines. The biggest item on the auction block is Lizzy Musi’s NPK Camaro known as “Bonnie”. The car is being sold as a rolling chassis, and is ready to go racing. You can learn more about the Bonnie right here.

If you’re looking for some cool memorabilia and garage art, this auction has something for you. You can bid on one of Lizzy’s old driving suits, a fire jacket that was used by Pat himself, or a Lucas Oil crew shirt. There are also posters that are open for bids, various metal signs, and some man cave art.

Are you looking to add some tools to your shop? There are multiple machine shop tools and accessories included in the listings. You’ll also find various hand tools, bits, and other items that any gearhead would love to have in their home shop. There are also a ton of different high performance parts available as well. You can score a good deal on parts like rocker arms, valves, connecting rods, fittings, and much more.

The auction closes on October 8th at 2:00 PM EST, so check out what’s available and place a bid while you can. Click here to check out all the auction items.

About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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