This Flame-Throwing 1/4-Scale Jet Dragster Is The Coolest Toy Ever


If you’re to look somewhere way down into the red zone on the cool-o-meter, you’ll find scale model jet dragsters. Because yes, they really does exist — or at least two of them, anyway — and there’s video proof of it.

This remote-controlled jet dragster, which belongs to Australia (we told you they do all the cool stuff in Australia) native Brett Smith, is roughly a one-fifth scale dragster chassis that’s outfitted with a likewise scaled-down jet engine that, according to Smith, produced around 13.5 lbs of thrust at an operating speed of 160,000 rpm’s. And just like the real thing, the car was capable of producing “burner pops” and some pretty intense flames at full song. And did we mention it also sounds identical to a full sized jet motor?

Smith, who is quite the scale engine guru, not only developed the engine for the two cars he built, but engineered a steering and braking system for the dragster and even equipped it with working parachute pods.

scalejetAs you can see in the videos, the car, like a real jet car, is pretty sluggish out of the gate but eventually picks up some steam and gets to rolling. As Smith points out, his driving skills weren’t quite up to par during the testing with the first one-fifth scale car, and with a twitchy steering mechanism, he wasn’t confident letting it rip. That said, the car was suggested to be capable of 60-70 mile per hour speeds on a one-fifth scale quarter-mile, which equates to 264 feet. Of course, it would likely haul some serious ass over a real quarter-mile, but such a feat would be quite difficult if not impossible to pull off, given the very nature of radio control and the lack of enough fuel onboard to run wide-open of that length of time.

Smith later built the red car seen in the videos below, which is a larger quarter-scale car, measuring 75 inches long and weighing 28 lbs. ready to run. That car, with a completely one-off 30 lb. thrust turbine motor, reportedly clocked 145 miles per hour.

About the author

Andrew Wolf

Andrew has been involved in motorsports from a very young age. Over the years, he has photographed several major auto racing events, sports, news journalism, portraiture, and everything in between. After working with the Power Automedia staff for some time on a freelance basis, Andrew joined the team in 2010.
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