Video: Brutal, Fiery Crash During Carolina N/T Race

Throwing down with another racer for a big pot of cash is what makes grudge racing one of the most exciting forms of drag racing. When you have a pair of cars that are evenly matched and make big power it just adds to the winner-take-all vibe. Travis Jacobs had a big tune-up in his Mustang during the Carolina N/T event at GALOT this past weekend when things went wrong and he made hard contact with the wall.

Jacobs lined his nitrous-huffing Mustang up against a rowdy second-generation Camaro during the GALOT event when the crash occurred. During the pass, the Camaro lost traction, which in most cases would have cost him the pot of money, but here it saved his ride after Jacobs lost traction and crossed into its lane. It’s not clear what caused Jacobs’ car to make such a hard right turn, but it leads to a violent impact with the wall and was followed by a scary fire as the car rolled to a stop on the other side of the track.

In the footage from Spooled Media, you can see Jacobs emerge from the car after it came to a stop and it was clear he was in pain after the hard contact with the wall. The safety team was able to put the fire out but the Mustang sustained heavy damage from the initial impact.

About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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