Video: Spike Performance’s Radical 7-Second Twin Turbo LSX Truck

spikes 1It takes some serious power and perseverance to get something that’s as aerodynamic as a barn door to go fast, and that’s what makes full build race trucks so cool. Taking something that wasn’t meant to go fast and pushing it to the limit is dead center in the drag racing spirit, so it’s only natural that trucks get used at the track.

At the 2015 Houston Performance Trucks Shootout, Spike Performance and Tuning’s race truck smashed into the seven-second zone and set the record for the quickest full size LSX-powered truck in the process.

Earning that distinction at the HPT Shootout wasn’t a smooth or easy road for the Spike crew, though. During the day they experienced a wideband failure, had an intake gasket eat itself, and even blew the driver’s side window out of the race truck. Showing pure grit and the never-say-die attitude of true hardcore racers, the team sourced a donor door from a diesel tow rig truck to keep their race weekend going and set the record.spikes 2

The truck itself is a lesson in function over form to get the quickest elapsed time possible — no crazy or trick parts, just a mixture of go-fast goodies that work well. Under the hood, a 468 cubic inch LSX motor pumps out the power while getting boost from a pair of 76 mm Bullseye Turbos and a simple Turbosmart manual boost controller. Spikes uses a stock ECU and HP Tuners to control everything — no BigStuff here.  After a shakedown pass in the low eights, Spikes turned the wick up and cranked off a 7.75 to get the record, then backed it up with a quicker 7.74 at 176.

Check out the video from Skull Crusher Adventures that documents the record setting passes and hard work that earned them.

About the author

Brian Wagner

Spending his childhood at different race tracks around Ohio with his family’s 1967 Nova, Brian developed a true love for drag racing. Brian enjoys anything loud, fast, and fun.
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