Drag Week 2014: Photos From The Day Six Finale In Tulsa!

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It took an extra day of competition, but Hot Rod Magazine Drag Week — the 10th edition of the grueling test of man and machine — has concluded at the Tulsa Raceway Park, with Jeff Lutz finally grabbing his long-awaited first overall and Unlimited class victory with his new “Evil Twin” ’57 Chevy, with a 6.84-second average after a steady 6.78 on the final day. Doug Cline, behind the wheel of his steel-bodied Camaro, became the first racer with such a vehicle to ever record six-second runs on all five days of Drag Week, running a 6.74 in Tulsa to close out his week with his a 6.87 average — right on the heels of Lutz.

We’ll have a complete report tomorrow on the Drag Week finale, but until then, enjoy these images from the day six in Tulsa from ace lensman Dominick Damato.

See photos from prior days on Drag Week: Registration Day, Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4.

Keep up with Hot Rod’s own coverage of Drag Week, including their daily live feed, on the Hot Rod Magazine website.

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